Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sustainable Food Storage: Plastic Cling Wrap Substitute!

Say goodbye to plastic cling wrap! This cling wrap (aka Saran Wrap) substitute is reusable, washable, compostable, zero waste (recyclable packaging), and made in the USA (Go Vermont!) from beeswax and cloth. I bought Bee's Wrap's 3-sheet pack (7x8", 10x11" & 13x14") for approximately $11 at my food coop ($19 on the vendor's site). For large scale food producers or caterers this probably isn't the best solution because of the price but for occasional home use this does the trick for me. It works like a gem and smells like honey comb heaven. The sheet molds to a surface from the warmth of your hand in a few seconds. It's not recommended for meats but for cheeses or anything else that needs to be stored it works great. Hopefully it is durable and lasts for many uses.